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LOTW 2012 Conference: Preconference

LOTW 2012 Conference - Burbank, CA June 6-8 Woodbury University

Preconference Schedule

8:30 - 9:15Breakfast (Malburg Atrium, School of Business)

9:30 - 12:00Getting Started in Academic Publishing (School of Business 101) 

12:00 - 1:15Lunch (Enkenboll Library Courtyard)

1:30 - 4:00Afternoon drop-in clinic (School of Business 101) OR Conducting Ethnographic Research in Libraries (School of Business 209)

Academic Publishing Workshop with RSR

Morning workshop: Getting Started - - and Getting Published, in Academic Publishing

Academic librarians engage in programmatic, scholarly, research, and creative activities with added purpose of publication, be it for professional contribution, personal satisfaction, or to meet institutional requirements for tenure or promotion. For today’s librarian-authors, getting started and getting published can be challenging. Practical how-to guidance can insure success.

Reference Services Review Co-Editors Eleanor Mitchell and Sarah Barbara Watstein will provide an overview of writing for the library profession, the LIS publishing process, publishing beyond the library field, as well as general advice on academic publishing. This workshop will focus on getting started and getting published, and will include hints for the aspiring librarian-author which will promote success and decrease stress. Among topics covered in this interactive session:  identifying publishable topics, steps toward writing success,  preparing research for publication, identifying potential outlets for your work, handling queries and proposals, navigating the scope and submission guidelines, typical acceptance rates, turnaround times, refereeing practices, working with editors, editorial revision, copyright and ethics. Related topics, such as networking and collaboration, marketing and promotion, the electronic environment, and the so-called sanity clause, will also be covered. Practical examples will be drawn from Reference Services Review, while the focus of the session is on writing and publishing – articles, as well as conference papers - within our profession writ large.

A wealth of information and tips on every stage of the writing and publishing process will position LOEX of the West attendees to write for publication and get published.

Afternoon drop-in clinic

Mitchell and Watstein will meet with LOTW presenters to provide advice on developing their papers into submissions for the RSR LOEX of the West special issue. These sessions will focus on enhancing presentations to meet publication requirements; author guidelines; timelines; and other details of moving from presentation to publication.

  • By appointment or drop in
  • Co-editors will work with conference presenters individually or in small groups
  • Focus on taking their LOTW presentations to publication

Ethnographic Research in Libraries

Half day workshop: Ethnographic Research in Libraries

Nedra Peterson and Raida Gatten will lead a half day workshop discussing and demonstrating how ethnographic methods can help librarians better understand their students’ research and work practices, and students’ perception and vision of the library facility and services. Participants will learn how to navigate institutional approvals and politics at the beginning of the process, and how library and information services can use this type of collected information for assessment, planning and budgeting toward the goal of best meeting students’ needs.

Several aspects will be addressed:

  • Participants will learn about unobtrusive observation techniques, practice observing subjects in various settings, report on what they observed, and learn about the process and applications of this method.
  • Interviewing techniques will be discussed and practiced.  These can range from structured interviews with predetermined questions to participant-observation interviews where the questions are based on a participant’s activity.
  • Development of interactive activities to invite participation from students.

  • Focus groups – how to select participants based on shared interest, structure the questions, and moderate the session.

  • Use of incentives, ensuring confidentiality, and sharing your results.

  • Exploration of new and innovative ways to study one’s own unique local population.