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Eric Carbonnnier 2024: Course Evaluations

all course evaluations since last contract renewal

Course Comments for SUPR110, SUPR 3701, and IDES 365.

  1. This course can be challenging at times with assignments, however, that is a good thing. This course has challenged me to try things I wouldn't have done before such as learning to use excel, calling LA county for one of our assignments, and more.
  2. We learned a lot about policies, various sustainable practices, and about how our campus is trying to be sustainable and environmentally friendly.
  3. He treats our small class of three all equally.
  4. Teacher is very kind and caring towards his students, very down to earth. Outstanding teacher overall and an incredible person.
  5. Dr. Carbonnier has an architectural background, but shows clear enthusiam towards the environment and policy writing.
  6. Dr. Carbonnier always leaves feedback on assignments and gives us chance to make these revisions and then resubmit the work.
  7. Dr. Carbonnier always reaches out to us asking for our opinions on discussions and assignments as well.
  8. During the course lectures the teacher was very enthusiastic about any information brought up by students and enjoyed connecting those topics to the lecture information
  9. Yes! This class should definitely run in the future again as we are truly developing a great Climate Action Plan and policies for Woodbury University. Our work is actually going to be used for the
    greater good which makes taking this class and learning how to write policy even more meaningful.
  10. Dr. Carbonnier is funny, nice, and caring. He makes the class enjoyable and I would definitely take another class with him in the future if I could. Sometimes on assignments it felt like he wanted
    more from us and had higher expectations, even though we worked really hard to give it our best. He did grade us well though as he acknowledged that we spent a lot of time on the work.
  11. Sometimes there was more work than other times. We were given assignments that were like projects so they had multiple parts to them. Dr. Carbonnier gave us plenty of time to complete these though.
  12. I think there should have been more assignments focusing on practicing policy writing. We did have one, but maybe learning the basics and doing some practice activities together as a class could help. However, overall a superb and useful class. Maybe more field trips for this class. Dr. Carbonnier did a great job with getting people for LA county to join zoom and talk to us about policy that they have to write for air quality and infrastructure.
  13. I think that more people should take this class in the future.
  14. Carbon is always available and makes it known that we may pass his office at any time he is on campus.
  15. Professors enthusiasim about the course is one of the reasons why enjoyed it
    • Carbon is the best person to teach this course. I hope it improves with age.
  16. Honestly one of the best classes I took this semester.
  17. One of the best
  18. I would just reconend to have more organized in class activities like when we where learning about r values and U values in the begining.
  19. I think if Dr. Carbon was more consistent with sticking to one or two tools and really honing down our skills on them throughout the year that would've been less chaotic and more helpful. I felt like this class bounced around so much that it was hard to grasp what was actually being taught. At that point it made me just want to finish what was instructed and be done instead and really wanting to use the tools provided. I was really eager to really learn at least a couple tools and be confident to use by the end of the semester.
  20. One thing I would have liked to see is more emphasis on real-world application. Don't get me wrong, the course material covered real-world application, such as R-values and U-factors and prescriptive versus performative approaches. I would have liked to dive deeper into other facets of the sustainability process, such as material costs and the design process for coming up with specific solutions. I would have also liked to see official documents that would have been submitted for review (if even possible) to see how the course applies to the practice. It would have also been nice to look at precedents that have sustainable applications that solve issues from the natural environment.
  21. I wish the see the SP major and minor grow. I understand this is the first instance of this course, and it makes sense that in its infancy there is bumps in the road but I wish more things were planned and it was made clear at the beginning what the purpose of the class is.
  22. Not really challenging. I have learned some things but I feel like I had other expectations about the course and I am kind of disappointed. Lighting is so important in our field and the knowledge that I am getting is not something that I would use at work.
  23. Looking back now, i cannot tell you a single thing i learned.
  24. The material is easy to understand.
  25. Prof. Eric is so nice to every student and seems to genuinely care about us.
  26. We never received any feedback on anything
  27. Very knowledgeable professor.
  28. I love the energy in class!
  29. One of the best professors Woodbury has, and with a very nice sense of humor!
  30. I wish he teach the seminar course next semester.
  31. MORE field trips, I really appreciate Eric exposing opportunities for students to meet people from the industry.
  32. Get someone else to teach this class
  33. I really enjoyed the course and Eric made this course enjoyable and fun. I definitely recommend taking another class of his