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Eric Carbonnnier 2024: Self Reflection

Self Reflection


The following are significant contributions to the Sustainable Practices program and not inclusive of all operational activities throughout the evaluation period. 

  • SUPR 110: Environmental Policy
    • Distinguished Guest: Rebecca Ferdman from the County of Los Angeles, CSO Office
    • Distinguished Guest: Debra Ashby, Public Affairs and Government Relations, SCAQMD
  • SUPR 3701: Energy & Society
    • Magnolia Power Plant, Burbank
    • Distinguished Guests: 
  • CMG 202: Materials & Methods
    • Angelus factory Tour
    • National Cement Tour
    • Net Zero Conference, los Angeles
  • IDES 365 Lighting Design
    • Erco Lighting: Facility Visit
    • Multi School Student Lighting Designer Meet-up at Prudential Lighting
    • Distinguished Guest: Minah Yeo, Lighting Design, ald lighting
    • Distinguished Guest:andres Regens, Regen Design

University Service Requirements


At Discover Woodbury and Counselor Connect there is a high level of interest.  Pending new enrollment, the minor program continues to expand.

  • Bachelor of Art in Sustainable Practices: 1 enrolled Spring 2023, 9 admitted Fall 2024
  • Minor in Sustainable Practices: 5 enrolled, 6 in-progress

In accordance with the Title V HSI grant, a series of phone interviews were conducted with exemplary institutions in California and across the Unites States with similar degrees programs in Sustainable Practices. 

The following one-on-one discussions about the past, present, and future state of degree offerings in sustainability were conducted with the following. Report attached.

  • California State Polytechnic University Pomona’s Lyle Center for Regenerative Studies
  • Arizona State University’s (ASU) School of Sustainability
  • University of South Dakota’s Sustainability & Environment
  • Oberlin (Pending)


The SEED School Los Angeles 06/22/2023 (100 Students)
Overview: Hosted 100 students from The SEED LA. The SEED School of Los Angeles County (SEED LA) is the county’s first college-prep boarding school for career readiness in transportation infrastructure, STEM and the humanities. SEED LA is managed by The SEED Foundation, preceded by The SEED School of Washington, DC, The SEED School of Maryland, and The SEED School of Miami. 

Green Building CORPS: Perpetual Mentorship
United States Green Building Council Los Angeles Green Building CORPS (USGBC-LA GBC)
Overview: I joined the Green Building Corps (GBC) which is a structured internship program that provides participants with valuable experience, relationships, and opportunities to contribute to green building projects with the goal to make the greater Los Angeles region healthier, more affordable, and sustainable for all. Tentative mentorship program starts in August and last for 6-months with 1-2 hours of interaction per month. 

Habitat For Humanity San Gabriel Chapter
Heather Flood connected me with the executive director and director of construction at Habitat for Humanity. Preliminary discussions explored pilot programs between SGV-Habitat and Woodbury School of Architecture (WSOA) starting in the fall of 2023.

Maker Faire Los Angeles 04/01/2023
Overview: Woodbury University’s STEM programs participated and displayed at the Los Angeles Maker Faire attended by 21,000 people and many STEM oriented high schools in Los Angeles. Notable introduction & conversations:

  1. Cendy Vides, The SEED School of Los Angeles
  2. Joseph Warner, Emerald Cities Collaborative, Program Coordinator
  3. Berline Romero, STEM PREP Schools

Discover Woodbury and Counselor Connect
October 15, 2022, February 2, 2023, and February 4, 2023.
Two Discover Woodbury events and one Counselor Connect were attended.

Emerald Cities Collaborative (40-50 Students)
November 9, 2023
Organized and hosted Emerald Cities at Woodbury University. Presentations and tours for 40-50 STEM students from STEAM Legacy, Sylmar Biotech, and two Alhambra USD school.

DIY Girls
In-Progress Summer 2024
Overview: As a board member of Designing Futures Foundation (DFF) we supported Girls Garage and were truly impressed by the organization. I spoke with the Executive Director about a SoCal event and directed to DIY Girls. Tentative 2024 summer DIY Girls event is being evaluated.   “DIY Girls mission is to increase girls' and gender-expansive youth's interest and long-term success in technology, engineering, and making through innovative educational experiences and mentor relationships.”

Larchmont High School (50 students expected)
Design Reviews In-Progress Spring 2024
LHS STEM facilitator is teaching a sustainability class and invited to present student work to WSOA faculty and students.

Developed year three of Sustainable Practices per Title V requirements. Courses APPROVED by Educational Planning Committee (EPC) and Faculty Senate. 

  • SUPR 301 Third Year Studio
  • SUPR 302 Environmental Research Seminar
  • SUPR 321 Energy & Society
  • SUPR 320 Environmental Economics 

Revised year two of Sustainable Practices per recommendations by Woodbury’s educational Programming Committee (EPC)

  • SUPR 201 Sustainable Practices-Design
  • SUPR 202 Environmental Core Design
  • SUPR 202 Core Workshop Management
  • SUPR 210 Intermediate GIS

2023 -2024 Development of a Tools for Sustainability Lending Library. The Lending Library hosts an assortment of meters, sensors, dataloggers, and other instruments for scholarly research. All tools are available to faculty, students, and staff.


  • Education Programming Committee (EPC for AY 24-25)
  • Campus-Wide Sustainability Committee (Formed in 2023)
  • Heathy & Sustainable Campus Committee


  • AC Martin Earth week Guest speaker 4/4/2023


  • Academic Impressions: A Top-Down and Bottom-Up Leadership Approach to Research Cluster Initiatives 1/25/2023

Identified possible adjunct faculty for future terms.

  • Antonio C. Anfiteatro, Citrus College and Mt San Antonio College
  • S. Minah Yeo IIDA, ALD Lighting 
  • Andres Regens, Lighting Designer 
  • Katy Robinson, ZC Consulting
  • Brandon Gullotti, HMC Architects
  • Bill Denis, HMC Architects
  • Marine Maroukian, Gensler