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General Business: APA Citation Style

APA Style Manual in Print

  RefWorks for APA Reference Lists

Refworks is a citation manager that allows you to create or import your references for your classes, create reference lists, cite your sources in-text, and organize and store them for as long as you are a student at Woodbury.

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Guide to APA Style Bibliographic Citations

General Guidelines

  • Your list of references should begin on a separate page with the title "References" and appear at the end of your paper.
  • Arrange entries alphabetically, using the last name of the author. If no author is given, alphabetize by the title, eliminating any initial A, An, or The.
  • Begin each entry at the left margin. If the information requires more than one line, indent the following lines one-half inch from the left margin.
  • Double-space within each entry, and between each entry.
  • Follow carefully the punctuation, underlining, and capitalization in the examples. Note that the sixth edition of the APA Publication Manual calls for only one space after a period or colon.

Book with one author:

Author's last name, A. A. (date of publication). Title italicized. Publication location:

      Publishing company.


Krier, L. (2009). Drawing for architecture. Cambridge, MA: MIT.


Book with two authors:

First author's last name, A.A., & Second author's last name, B.B. (date of publication).

      Title italicized. Publication location: Publishing company.


Harmon, S. K., & Kennon, K. E. (2008). The codes guidebook for interiors.

      Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.


Books with three to six authors:

List all authors by last names and intials; separate each author's name with commas; precede

      the last author name with an ampersand. Title italicized. Publication location: Publishing

      company, year.


Qian, K., Fu, X., Tao, L., & Diaz-Herrera, J. (2009). Software architecture and design

      illuminated. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.


Book with an editor:

Editor's last name, A. A. (Ed.). (Publication date). Title italicized. Publication location:

      Publishing company.


Newland, J. N. (Ed.). (1992). Johnson, Kaufmann, Coate: Partners in the California

      style. Claremont, CA: Scripps College.


Article or chapter in an edited book: This also includes essays and short stories in anthologies.

Author's last name, A.A. (Publication date). Title of entry. In Editor's First initial Middle initial Last

      name (Ed.), Title of the book (page numbers). Publication location: Publishing company.


Orwell, G. (1994). Such, such were the joys. In P. Lopate (Ed.), The art of the personal essay: An

      anthology from the classical era to the present (pp. 268-302). New York: Anchor-Doubleday.


Article from a reference book, encyclopedia, or dictionary -- not signed:

Title of article or entry. (Publication year). Title of reference work (Volume number, page

      numbers). Publication location: Publishing company.


Los Angeles. (1998). The new encyclopaedia Britannica: Macropaedia (Vol. 7, pp. 484-

      485). Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica.


Article from a reference book, encyclopedia, or dictionary -- signed:

Author's last name, A. A. (Publication date). Title of article or entry. In Editor's First initial Middle

      initial and Last name (Ed.), Title of reference work in italics (Volume number, page numbers).

      Publication location: Publishing company.


Turner, T. F. (1902). Mission. In R. Sturgis (Ed.), A dictionary of architecture and

      building (Vol. 2, p. 913). New York: Macmillan.


 Article from a newspaper:

Author's last name, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Name of Newspaper in Italics.

      page number(s).


Brownstein, R. (2004, May 2). Presidential campaigns may play cameo role.

      Los Angeles Times, pp. A1, A26.


Article from a journal with continuous pagination:

Author's last name, A. A. (Publication year). Title of article.

      Journal Title in Italics, volume number, page numbers.


Faragher, J. M. (2001). Bungalow and ranch house: The architectural backwash of

      California. Western Historical Quarterly, 32, 149-173.


Article from a popular magazine:

Author's last name, A. A. (Year, Month Day of publication). Title of article.

      Title of Magazine in Italics, page numbers.


Mezrich, B. (2003, May). To live and die in L.A. Wired, 11(5), 131-135.


Article from an online full-text database:

Author's last name, A. A. (Publication date). Title of article. Title of Journal Where

      Article Originally Appeared, volume #(issue #), page numbers. Retrieved from

      database name.


Kellogg, C. (2003, March). Looks count. Interior Design, 74(3), 208-213. Retrieved from

      Wilson Omnifile database.


Article from an online full-text database with more than six authors:

Author’s last name, A. A. (Author last names and initials of the first six authors) followed

      by the note et al. (Publication date). Title of article. Title of Journal Where Article Originally

      Appeared, volume #(issue #), page numbers. Retrieved from database name.


Wolchik, S. A., West, S. G., Sandler, I. N., Tein, J., Coatsworth, D., Lengua, L., et. al.

      (2000). An experimental evaluation of theory-based mother and mother-child programs for

      children of divorce. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68(5), 843-856. Retrieved

       from PsycArticles database.


Entire Journal:

Journal Title Italicized. (Beginning publication date). Publication location:

      Publishing company.


Fashion Theory. (1997). Oxford : Berg Publishers.



Author's last name, A. A. (Date of page). Title of the web page. Title of the website.

      Retrieved Month Day, Year, from complete URL with no period at the end


Matthews, K. (2008). W.E. Oliver House. Great buildings online. Retrieved

      November 5, 2009, from


Please visit or pages 193-224 of the APA Publication

Manual 6th edition for more detailed information concerning electronic resources.