Looking for animation art books for reference? Try searching the catalog for a specific film, or see the call number guide on the bottom right of this page to browse the entire selection on the shelves. If you can't find an art book you want, please suggest a library purchase (see my contact information on the right).
Looking for a more technical "how-to" type of guide? Try searching the library catalog for books and videos using a specific technique or software name (like "figure drawing" or "zbrush"). You can also find a list of tutorial resources in the "Researching Jobs, Careers, and Studios" section of this guide. Here are some catalog subject searches to get you started:
Looking for more theory or history-focused topics such as color theory or the evolution of Japanese animation? Try searching the catalog for books, or finding scholarly articles in our databases listed under the "Articles & Databases" tab.
Use these numbers to browse our print books most relevant to Animation!
NC1763-NC1766 - This is where books about animation, cartoons and comics live. Topics range from storyboarding to art books to drawing anime battle moves. Be sure to check both Main Stacks and Oversize.
NC1300-NC1762 - This area is where all the books on the history of animation/cartoons/comics live.
NC730-NC825 - These books are on drawing technique books such as human figure drawing, animal anatomy, environments, etc.
T385-T386 - These books focus on the technology side of digital art, including books on Photoshop, Maya & ZBrush, and associated tasks (compositing, modeling, lighting, etc).
TR897 - Books on 3D animation.
Many of the technology-focused books that are quickly outdated, like ones on Photoshop and ZBrush, are available as ebooks. Learn how to access those here.
If you're browsing the shelves in these areas, remember to look in both Main Stacks and Oversize books. And remember, you can always ask a librarian for help!