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Author’s last name, First name and Middle initial. Italicize Title. Publication Location:
Publishing Company, Year. Print.
Koenig, Gloria. Iconic LA: Stories of LA’s Most Memorable Buildings. Glendale:
Balcony, 2000. Print.
First author’s last name, First name and Middle initial, Second author's First name
and Last name, and Third author's First name and Last name. Italicize Title.
Publication Location: Publishing Company, Year. Print.
Landau, Robert, and John Pashdag. Outrageous L.A. San Francisco:
Chronicle, 1984. Print.
First author’s last name, First name and Middle initial, et al. Italicize Title. Publication
Location: Publishing Company, Year. Print.
Gebhard, David, et al. A Guide to Architecture in San Francisco & Northern California. Santa
Barbara: Peregrine, 1973. Print.
First author’s last name, First name and Middle initial, et al. Italicize Title. Publication
Location: Publishing Company, Year. Print.
Newland, Joseph N., ed. Johnson, Kaufmann, Coate: Partners in the California
style. Claremont: Scripps College, 1992. Print.
Author's last name, First name and Middle initial (if given). "Title or Description of the
Essay/Short Story/Poem." Editor or Compiler (write Trans., Ed., or Comp.).
First name Last name. Italicize Title of Book. Publication Location: Publishing
Company, Year. Print.
Orwell, George. "Such, Such Were the Joys." Ed. Philip Lopate. The Art of the Personal
Essay: An Anthology from the Classical Era to the Present. New York:
Anchor-Doubleday, 1994. Print.
"Title of Article or Entry." Italicize Title of Reference Work. Edition. Year. Format.
"Los Angeles." The New Encyclopaedia Britannica: Macropaedia. 15th ed. 1998. Print.
Author's last name, First name and Middle initial. "Title of Article or Entry." Italicize Title of
Reference Work. Editor's First name and Last name. Edition. Number of volumes in
set. Publication Location: Publishing Company, Year. Format.
Turner, Thornton F. "Mission." A Dictionary of Architecture and Building. Ed. Russell
Sturgis. 1st ed. 3 Vols. New York: Macmillan, 1902. Print.
Author's last name, First name and Middle initial. "Title of Article." Italicize Title of Newspaper
Day Month Year, edition: page number(s). Format.
Ouroussoff, Nicolai. "Enduring Legacy: How the Spanish Missions Still Shape Modern
California." Los Angeles Times 7 Sept. 1997, home ed.: B2+. Print.
Author's last name, First name and Middle initial. "Title of Article." Italicize Title of Journal.
volume.issue (if available) (year): page number(s). Format.
Faragher, John Mack. "Bungalow and Ranch House: The Architectural Backwash of California."
Western Historical Quarterly. 32.2 (2001): 149-173. Print.
Author's last name, First name and Middle initial. "Title of Article." Italicize Title of Magazine
Day Month Year of publication: page numbers. Format.
Mezrich, Ben. "To Live and Die in L.A." Wired May 2003: 131-135. Print.
Author's last name, First name and Middle initial. "Title of Article." Italicize Title of Journal
Volume number.Issue [when issue number is available] (year): page range. Italicize Title
of Database. Format. Date Month Year [when accessed].
Kellogg, Craig. "Looks count." Interior Design 74.3 (2003): 208-213. ProQuest.
Web. 24 Dec 2009.
Author's last name, First name and Middle initial. "Title of the Web Page." Italicize Title of
Web Site. Name of Sponsoring or Publisher, Day Month Year of page. Format.
Day Month Year [viewed].
Matthews, Kevin. "W. E. Oliver House." Architecture Week Great Buildings
Collection, 2010. Web. 1 Feb. 2010.
Note: Use n.p. if no publisher or sponsor name is available and n.d. if no publishing date is given.
Author's last name, First name and Middle initial. Italicize Title of Online Book.
Publication location: Publishing company, year. Italicize Vender Name. Format.
Day Month Year [viewed].
Upton, Dell. Architecture in the United States. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998. Netlibrary.
Web. 1 Jan. 2010.