General Guidelines
Book with one author:
Author's last name, A. A. (date of publication). Title italicized lowercase except first word : And first word after a colon. Publishing Company.
Pater, R. (2021). Caps lock : How capitalism took hold of graphic design, and how to escape from it. Valiz.
Book with two authors:
First author's last name, A.A., & Second author's last name, B.B. (date of publication). Title italicized lowercase except first word : And first word after a colon. Publishing Company.
Harmon, S. K., & Kennon, K. E. (2008). The codes guidebook for interiors.
John Wiley & Sons.
Book with an editor:
Editor's last name, A. A. (Ed.). (Publication date). Title italicized lowercase except first word : And first word after a colon.
Publishing Company.
Newland, J. N. (Ed.). (1992). Johnson, Kaufmann, Coate: Partners in the California
style. Scripps College.
Article or chapter in an edited book: This also includes essays and short stories in anthologies.
Author's last name, A.A. (Publication date). Title of entry. In Editor's First initial Middle initial Last
name (Ed.), Book title italicized lowercase except first word : And first word after a colon (page numbers). Publishing Company.
Orwell, G. (1994). Such, such were the joys. In P. Lopate (Ed.), The art of the personal essay: An
anthology from the classical era to the present (pp. 268-302). Anchor-Doubleday.
Entry in an online dictionary, encyclopedia or thesaurus
Group Author. (Publication year). The entry term. In Title of reference work. Retrieved on Month day, year from: URL
No author? Start with the term as in the first example below.
Also, because online reference sources can be updated but changes might not be archived, APA 7th prescribes a 'retrieved on' date uniquely for this source type.
Modernism. (2010). In E. Guter, Aesthetics A-Z (1st ed.). Edinburgh University Press.Retrieved on February 26, 2024, from
Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Semantics. In dictionary. Retrieved January 4, 2020, from
Entry in a print dictionary, encyclopedia or thesaurus
Author last name, A. A. (year). Entry term. In Title of book lowercase except first word and : First word after a colon (edition, page number for entry). Publisher.
Wilson, K. M., & Margolis, N. (2004). Dowry. In Women in the middle ages : An encyclopedia (vol. 1, p. 264). Greenwood Press.
Article from a newspaper (digital):
Author's last name, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article in lowercase. Newspaper Name in Uppercase Italics.
Ezproxy URL
Small, Z. (2023, May 06). How 'The Legend of Zelda' changed the game. The New York Times.
Carey, B. (2019, March 22). Can we get better at forgetting? The New York Times.
Article from a Woodbury database:
Author last name, A. A., Author last name, B. B., & Author last name, C. C. (year). Article title in lowercase except first word and: First word after a colon. Periodical Title Italicized Uppercase, volume (issue), page numbers. Exproxy URL
Notarile, C. (2024). Sound and vision: The art of the music video. American Cinematographer, 105, 36-47.
Article from a magazine:
Author's last name, A. A. (Year, Month Day of publication). Title of article.
Title of Magazine in Italics, page numbers.URL (not page numbers) if a digital source.
Mezrich, B. (2003, May). To live and die in L.A. Wired, 11(5), 131-135.
Schulman, M. (2019, September 9). Superfans: A love story. The New Yorker.
Author's last name, A. A. (Date of page). Title of the web page. Title of the website. complete URL with no period at the end
Robinson, C. (2024, February 23). Nowhere to go but up: Ukraine animation carries on two years after Russian invasion. Cartoon Brew.
More website citation examples
Please visit or pages 313 - 352 of the APA Publication
Manual (7th edition) for more detailed information concerning electronic resources.