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Coming this fall: New cards!

Students, staff and faculty: This fall, Woodbury University will be transitioning to a new ID/access card. See below for details on who will be getting a card, and how/when/where to get one. Below is the current status of student card distribution.

The following groups of students should already have ID cards:

  • All Burbank students should now either have an ID card, or have been notified to come pick up their ID. If you have not received such a notification, please visit the library and we will issue you a new card if you are registered for Spring 2020 classes.

The new card will work at the library and Woody’s like the previous card, but can also be used to unlock doors in certain buildings on campus, such as dormitories, architecture studios, and the design center. It will look like this:

If your card looks like this then it is in the old format:

Old ID card for Woody with white background

Our current cards were designed to function only as ID/library cards. They cannot be used on door locks. Rather than have students juggle two cards at once (one for locks and the other for ID/library/Woody’s), we are merging all these functions into a single new card.

All students, staff and faculty at Burbank campus will be getting a new card.


Students should visit the library. If you have not yet been issued a new purple card, we will issue one for you (if staff are unavailable, we may ask you to return at a specified time).


Cards for faculty and staff can be obtained from Security in the Whitten building during regular office hours. Contact Ian Wright for questions about printing faculty/staff cards.

No, if you are simply upgrading from an old ID card to a new one (or if this will be your first ID card) then there is no fee. However, if you lose your new card and need a replacement, the replacement fee is $10.

No, students will have to pay a $10 fee each time you need a replacement. For all faculty/staff and students, it is imperative that you get a replacement. This way, it will let security cancel your access privileges in case someone gets their hand on your old card. Whoever has your old card will then be able to enter Woodbury Classrooms. You do not want your access card tied to any investigations if you were not the one using it, so please ensure you get a replacement immediately! You will also need a replacement card to enter any area with a card reader you were accessing with your old card.

The University plans to put card readers on almost every door at Woodbury. As time goes on, more and more doors will have card readers. Phase one was just completed, and every new phase will bring us new card readers.

Each department predetermines who will have access to their doors. If you believe you should have access to a door/building that you currently do not have access to, please contact Ian Wright via email, and he will send the request and get back to you. Please note that being an affiliate of Woodbury University does not automatically grant you access to every single door on campus.

You may contact the following people based on the type of question:

Getting a new or replacement student ID card: contact the library.

Card usage on door locks: contact security.

Card usage in library: contact the library.

Thank you for your patience as we transition to these new ID cards. We’re excited to deliver them to you, and think you’ll like them too! We hope they’ll give you even more Woodbury pride when you flash them in the library, at your favorite museum or theme park, and elsewhere.